Object:To attend a boring class.

Requirements:Hot/Cold weather,classroom,strict teacher,pin drop silence and boring topic.

Theory:A bore class is one in which you have to listen patiently to a topic which cannot be understood,extra academic activities such as hooting,singing,talking and other pastimes are not possible.

Procedure:There are a few procedures one could adopt to kill the time of above mentioned class.A wonderful use of pencil and paper benefits students b/c the teacher thinks he/she is busy with work while he/she is actually drawing different sketches,flowers one can even write letters making use of pencil and paper.

1.It is essential to look at the black board from time to time posing to be very interested in the lecture.

2.Nodding your head too is also helpful.

3.Akways select the last seat.

4.Dozing is prohibited as there is a danger of being pointed out.

5.Avoid 'yawning' which can irritate the teacher.

6.Akways open your books or copies infront of you.

Disadvantage:One disadvantage of this procedure is that a sudden question can be asked by the teacher specially to a student who seems to be adopting this procedure.

Note:Some procedures are only feasible in those classes where there are more students such procedures include making noise with feet,making noises of different animals,making abd flying paper planes,etc.

Result:Be prepared to be debarred from class at any time (which is quite beneficial specially when attendance has already been marked).In case of a strict teacher you may 'SHINE OUT' in the eyes of the'PRINCIPAL'

A sad result sometimes occurs giving the titles as "SUPPLEMENTARIAN".