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Thread: No time for gym? Try the office!

  1. #1

    No time for gym? Try the office!

    March 15, 2007

    If you are working long hours and don't get the time to hit the gym, you might as well get some exercise while at work.
    While you won't be able to get all the benefits of exercising at the gym, you will at least get enough to make you feel better.

    Just imagine your body as a machine with three parts that need a regular workout to run efficiently. We can divide them into the cardiovascular system, the muscular system and the flexibility system.

    The Cardiovascular system

    This one is the most important. It's the main power switch that keeps the machine working. If this fails, everything fails. Also, responsible for energy output, the cardio system burns fuel (fat!). The cardiovascular system includes the heart, lungs and the blood circulatory system.
    Cardio at work

    While you can't really do any form of cardio exercises while at work as they need at least 30 minutes of free time, you can do them to and from work. If you live close by you could walk to work and back. If you take a train, walk from the station and if you take a bus get off a few stops before your destination. Try to get at least 20 minutes of exercise this way.

    Other tips

    ~Take the stairs
    ~Volunteer to run errands
    ~Suggest to your manager to introduce a fitness session for all the employees three times a week.

    The Muscular system

    This system is responsible for holding up the machine, giving it strength to work well through long periods of time. The muscular system refers to all the voluntary muscles in your body. Just like a machine loses its strength with time, so do the muscles of the body if not exercised regularly.
    Strength training at work

    ~Work your lower body:

    Chair squats: Sit on the edge of your chair maintaining an upright posture. Hold your abdomen in tight. Place feet apart at hip distance. Slowly stand up and gently lower yourself down towards the chair. Just as you feel your bottom touch the chair, stand up again. Don't sit down on the chair. Repeat these chair squats 16 times. This works your thighs and bottom.

    Calf raises: You can do this while chatting with your colleague! Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Push yourself up on your toes and lower gently. Just before your heels can touch the floor, lift them up again. Repeat 16 times and feel your calves burn!

    Butt crunches: A favourite with the ladies, this exercise can be done anytime anywhere! Simply squeeze your butt muscles tight and release. Do a set of 16 repetitions.

    Work your upper body

    You will need to invest in a "Resistance Tube" available at any sports store for Rs 600-800. (Ladies buy Level 1, while the men can go with Level 2)
    Shoulder retractions

    This exercise is recommended for everyone, especially those in desk jobs. It improves your posture. Hold the tube in line with your chest. Hands should be about 2-3 inches apart while elbows stay up in line with the shoulders. Now squeeze your shoulder blades backwards and in towards each other and release. Do 16 repetitions.

    Chest press

    Get the tube around the back of the chair. Sit on the edge of the chair holding the handles next to your shoulders. The tube should not be limp. Wrap it around your hand a few times so that it is nice and taut. Now push both hands forwards as if you are pushing something very heavy away from you. Squeeze your chest muscles as you push. Gently bring the hands back to the shoulders. It is very important to bring the hands back gently so that you don?t risk injuring your joints. Do 16-20 repetitions.


    This work the large back muscles called latissimum dorsi. Sit on the edge of a chair with your legs extended and feet on the floor. Place the centre of the tube in the arch of your feet and hold the handles in both hands. Extend arms to start. Now bend the elbows and pull them towards the back of the chair. Squeezing the back muscles, gently extend again. Do 16-20 repetitions.

    Working the core

    The earlier exercises work the major muscle groups of the upper and lower body. Now we come to the abdominal and back (the core). Often known as the "power house", these muscles help to keep your body erect and strong. A strong core equals a strong body. However since these exercises need to be done in a lying down position, it will not be possible for you to do these at work. You can do them at home and all you need is literally three minutes.

    Lie face down on the floor. Push yourself up onto your palms or elbows (whichever feels more comfortable) and onto your feet. Maintain a straight line from your head, to shoulders, to hips and to your feet. Make sure the hips stay in line with your body. Contract the abdominal muscles. Hold this position for a minute (you can start with 30 seconds). Works your abs.

    Reverse plank

    Lie face upon the floor. Repeat as for plank. Works your back.

    T Stand Lie on your side. Push up on one elbow or palm and feet. Place the top leg slightly in front of the bottom leg. Hold this position for 30 seconds or 15 to start with, gradually building up to 30. Change sides and repeat. This works different muscles in your back and abdominal region. You should feel it on the lower side of the body.

    The Flexibility System

    The machine parts must be able to move well around their axis. If the movement stops before the point it is supposed to, it hampers the job of the machine. In the human body, this system refers to the range of movement of a joint.
    Points to note:

    Do these as soon as you come in from a walk so that your body is nicely warmed up. Please do not stretch without warming up as you are liable to pull or tear your muscles.

    Toe touch

    In a standing position lift your arms towards the ceiling and bend down towards your toes. Try to reach for your toes without bending your knees. Hold the position for 15 seconds. If you cannot reach your toes then grab onto any other part of the legs like the knees, calves or ankles. Hold the stretch and do not bounce. After five seconds try to push a little lower. Keep you back and shoulders as flat as possible. This stretch is for your lower back, hip and back of the legs.

    Chest, shoulder and upper arm stretch

    Stand straight. Link fingers of both hands behind your hip. Without leaning forwards (make sure not to arch your back) raise your arms to the back as high as possible while pushing your chest out to the front. Hold for 15 seconds. Don't bounce. Keep holding and try to raise gently after five seconds.

    On Independence Day Here's wising our dreams of a new tomorrow come true for us NOW AND ALWAYS!

  2. #2
    Awesome.I might follow one in my lecture.

  3. #3
    nice tips thank u for sharing

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