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Thread: Beauty On The Go

  1. #1
    Travel can really wreck a beauty routine! I don’t care how you travel – by air, sea, or open road – it really makes you tired! Add to the mix different food, water and environment, and they all work together to STRESS YOUR SKIN!

    It’s important to stay with your beauty regimen, but when you’re traveling KEEP IT SIMPLE! No need to take the contents of your entire bathroom with you, just the stuff you’ll need to keep your skin looking and feeling GREAT while you’re gone!

    If you have a beauty shortcut, I’d love to hear about it!

    (((Globe-trotting Hugs)))
    On Independence Day Here's wising our dreams of a new tomorrow come true for us NOW AND ALWAYS!

  2. #2
    i simply take ma cleanser, moisturizer....and almond oil+olive oil

    the mixture of oil works for ma body and lips if chapped...almond oil for makeup remover...and olive oil for hands and feets ...almond oil also for eyes...if hving darkcircles....and as a mask i will buy yoghurt from that place...or simply splash ma face with cold water...

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