Muslims claim Muhammad performed the Hajj, but truth says otherwise.

Muslims today make great boasts of how Islam is the purest monotheistic religion on the planet. Yes, Islam, is a monotheistic religion, but then again, Pharaoh Akhenaten was also the inventor of a monotheistic religion in 1362 BC. But what Muslims don't realize, is that all their rituals of the Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca, where they circle the black stone 7 times etc.) are of purely pagan origin. Although Muslims will claim that these rituals were practiced by Adam, Noah and Abraham as Muslims perform them today, this is nothing but pure myth, totally unsupported by history. In fact, the Hajj is documented in history as being solely of Arab pagan origin. Muslim myth says that Abraham performed the Hajj but it was corrupted down through the ages and then Muhammad came along and restored it to its original purity. But this also is myth because the history of the Hajj has ONLY a pagan history before Muhammad. It is clear that Muhammad took these pagan practices and assigned them new meanings, never before imagined. The Arabs, have perpetuated these myths ever since, even though history proves otherwise.

The Islamic Myth that Muhammad was a moral example for the world.

Muhammad was not a moral example compared to Jesus Christ. We challenge Muslims to tell us one moral principle that Muhammad gave the world that Jesus Christ had not already revealed 600 years earlier. Muslims 100% reject the New Testament as a fiction invented by Apostle Paul. Now if this were true that means the Bible is of human origin not divine. So this allows us to make a second challenge to Muslims. Name one moral concept in the Koran, that is better than what is revealed in the New Testament... a book you mistakenly claim is of human origin. How can a book of human origin like the New Testament, contain a much higher moral standard than the Koran, a book you believe is of divine origin. Frankly Christians are insulted that Muslims would even suggest a person who slaughtered entire caravans for their material goods, is worthy of any moral consideration. Jesus never did any such thing. The blunt truth is that when the Koran is placed side by side with the Bible, the Koran is pale and dark, compared to the wonderful moral light that Jesus Christ gave to the world in passages like Matthew chapters 5-7. We invite Muslims to read these three chapters right now and prove it to themselves that Muhammad fell far short of Jesus when it comes to a moral example.

1. So much must be said in fairness to Muhammad when he is measured against the Arabs of his time. Muslims, however, claim that he is a model of conduct and character for all mankind. In so doing they present him for judgement according to the standards of enlightened world opinion. Though the world is increasingly becoming one world, it has so far paid scant attention to Muhammad as a moral exemplar. Yet because Muslims are numerous, it will sooner or later have to consider seriously whether from the life and teaching of Muhammad any principles are to be learnt which will contribute to the moral development of mankind. (Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman, W. Montgomery Watt, 1961, p229-235)
2. My personal view is that Muslims are unlikely to be successful in their attempt to influence world opinion, at least in the sphere of morals. ... But towards convincing Christian Europe that Muhammad is the ideal man, little, indeed nothing, has so far been accomplished. (Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman, W. Montgomery Watt, 1961, p229-235)

Muhammad's had no more than 4 wives.
Completely unlike Jesus Christ who never had sex with a woman, Muhammad’s was sexually involved with at least 22 women. Although in the Quran he would limit his followers to having four wives, he himself took more than four wives and many concubines. The question of the number of women with whom Muhammad was sexually involved either as wives, concubines or devotees was made a point of contention by the Jews in Muhammad's day. Ali Dashti comments:

"All the commentaries agree that verse 57 of Sura 4 (on-Nesa) was sent down after the Jews criticized Mohammad's appetite for women, alleging that he had nothing to do except to take wives" (Ali Dashti, 23 Years, pp. 120-138).

Now polygamy was practiced in the Old Testament by Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Solomon. In fact when David committed adultery with Bathsheeba, God said, "Did I not give you your many wives, why have you done this thing with Bathsheeba", (2 Samuel 12:7-9 paraphrased). But the Koran claims to be a new revelation from God to man and specifically limited the number of wives to four. In Sura 4:3. This means that Muhammad sinned against the very Koran he claimed to reveal.

Although Arabs gave us Algebra, modern Muslims are quite illogical regarding most aspect of their religion. If history contradicts the Koran, history is wrong! In order to keep Muhammad sinless, Muslims will actually deny the fact that Muhammad had more than four wives. Their circular reasoning is well documented by James A. Beverly, in his book "Understanding Islam". A typical private conversation with a Muslim regarding Muhammad’s many wives will go as follows:

1. The Quran condemns more than 4 wives in Q4:3.
2. Muhammad was sinless.
3. Therefore Muhammad did not have more than four wives, (Because Muhammad was sinless.)

However, the facts of history cannot be changed. Informed Muslims like Muslim scholar and statesman Ali Dashti gives the following list of the women in Muhammad's life:

Muhammad’s 22 Women:

Muhammad’s 16 Wives:

1. Khadija

2. Sawda

3. Aesha

4. Omm Salama

5. Halsa

6. Zaynab (of Jahsh)

7. Jowayriyi

8. Omm Habiba

9. Safiya

10. Maymuna (of Hareth)

11. Fatema

12. Hend

13. Asma (of Saba)

14. Zaynab (of Khozayma)

15. Habla

16. Asma (of Noman)

Muhammad’s 2 concubines/slaves:

1. Mary (the Christian)
2. Rayhana

Muhammad’s 4 devoted followers who who "gave" themselves to satisfy Muhammad's sexual desires.

1. Omm Sharik
2. Maymuna
3. Zaynab (a third one)
4. Khawla

Zaynab of Jahsh was originally Muhammad's adopted son Zaid's wife. The fact that Muhammad took her for himself has been problematic to many people, Muslims included. (God does not break His Own Word and He never changes His mind. Now read Sura 33:36-38).

(The vindicated prophet Moses taught under the Old Testament, that a minister could only marry a virgin or the widow of a minister (Leviticus 21:13-15). The vindicated prophet Jesus taught under the New Testament that an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher can marry only a virgin in the faith -- because he is a type of Christ Who is uniting only with virgins to the Word.

Every prophet from Adam taught that any woman who has more than one living husband is an adulteress, and her subsequent husband is in adultery with her first husband as polygamy was legal only for the man -- Genesis 3:16; Romans 7:1-3).

Aesha was only eight or nine years old when Muhammad took her to his bed. According to Hadith, she was still playing with her dolls. This facet of Muhammad's sexual appetite is particularly distressing to Westerners.

While in Islamic countries an eight-or-nine-year-old girl can be given in marriage to an adult male, in the West, most people would shudder to think of an eight-or-nine-year-old girl being given in marriage to anyone. (Although it is condoned by the Jew's Talmud).

This aspect of Muhammad's personal life is something that many scholars pass over once again because they do not want to hurt the feelings of Muslims. Yet, history cannot be rewritten to avoid confronting the facts that Muhammad had unnatural desires for little girls.

Finally, Mary, the Coptic Christian, refused to marry Muhammad because she would not renounce Christianity and embrace Islam. She bravely chose to remain a slave rather than convert.

The documentation for all the women in Muhammad's harem is so vast and has been presented so many times by able scholars that only the blind reject it.

Muslims claim Muhammad was sinless, but the Koran says otherwise!

A Sinful Muhammad! The Quran teaches Muhammad was a sinner because he was personally commanded to REPENT of sin! And why not? Who is Muhammad? God? Only God has never sinned. This is why Jesus is superior to Muhammad. Jesus never sinned and was God incarnate in flesh for the purpose of dying on the cross to save mankind with his blood patterned after the Passover lamb of the Jews!

* Sura 40:55: "Ask forgiveness of thy sin".
* Sura 18:110, "Say, I am but a man like yourselves."
* Sura 48:1-2, "Lo! We have given thee, (O Muhammad), signal victory, that Allah may forgive thee of past and that which is to
come, and may perfect His favor unto thee, and guide thee on a right path"

Specific Sins of Muhammad:

Muhammad violated the Qur’an by marrying more than 4 wives. Muhammad had more than 4 wives. Perhaps as many as 22. His youngest wife was 6 years old.

Muhammad looted and pilfered the property of others for his own personal benefit without divine direction. (see Ali Dashti, 23 Years, p. 86-87; Encyclopedia Britannica, 15:648)

Muhammad worshipped Idols "Even though their principal shrines lay north and east of Mecca, al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat were all worshiped by the Quraysh of Mecca, and at least al-Uzza numbered no less than Muhammad himself among her worshipers." (The Hajj, F. E. Peters, p 3-41, 1994)