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Thread: Picking Up Pace

  1. #1
    Running faster requires speedwork, which involves a stopwatch, interval training, hamstring pulls and vomit, right?

    WRONG. You can train to run more efficiently with this drill and also reduce the number of injuries. Every other week, do this during an easy run:

    Count the number of times your right (or left) foot hits the ground in 30 seconds.

    Jog for 1 to 2 minutes, then repeat the 30-seconds drill, increasing your count by one or two footfalls.

    Jog again, then repeat this seven more times, increasing the count each time.

    This exercise will get you used to a lighter, quicker turnover. (Turnover is a runner-speak for how quickly you put one foot in front of the other). Increasing the cadence of your stride means your feet won’t pound the pavement with as much force.

    Source: magnamags
    On Independence Day Here's wising our dreams of a new tomorrow come true for us NOW AND ALWAYS!

  2. #2
    HmmmmMmmmmm SeeMs LiKe An InTeReStiNg ExPeriMenT !
    I'LL TrY To GiVe It A Go..JuSt PRay I DuN FaLL OvEr :P

    Kahbhi Khamosh Betho Gae ..Kabhi Gunghunaou Gai..
    Mai Uthni Yaad Aoungi ..Jitna Bhoolaou Gae

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