Average criminals are much younger these days. Last weekend two kids age 8 and 10 broke into a daycare and stole crayons and Play Doh. This week a 5-year-old broke into a grocery shop and stole milk and Popsicles. And just yesterday newborn baby stole a ring from obstetrician's finger.


Just some good ol' kids,
Never meanin' no harm,
Beats all you've ever saw,
been in trouble with the law
since the day they was born.

Babies Gang Join us

Outlaws girl (faster Faster dumb head they are coming) boy (show them some move shoot the tiers)

Don't Tell Me Smoking is bad i know that thats why i am Bad Girl

Little Emmy found her sandbox had just the right soil conditions to grow her marijuana.

yummy open sesame ( Photograph of the crime made for camera of security, the test of the crime.)

fight club champ