What is Ultimate Remedy?

"Rehman" , one of the most significant and dynamic characteristic of the almighty "ALLAH” who continues his blessings irrespective of our beliefs and sins. GOD spoke to man through his messengers who delivered his message for the betterment of mankind.

The greatest prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W.) said, “I’m leaving behind you a book, revealed by GOD The QURAN which is light and guidance”. When we open this book it begins with Bismillah-Al-Rehman-Al-Rahim, in the name of ALLAH the most merciful and beneficent. This verse contains 3 important aspects;

(a) The real and ultimate name of GOD is ALLAH.

(b) ALLAH is very caring to the extent of infinity, there are no parameters to judge the level of his mercy and love.

(c) He has created this life and made a constitution for the creation to follow it so that the followers enjoy his mercy and love both here and life after death.

This particular verse was always given as a gift to every Prophet and when it revealed to Hazrat ESA (JESUS) GOD said, “Before you this verse was always given to prophets but now this verse will become a gift for the Ummah of my last and beloved prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W.).” And it happened like that not only this verse but 6666 sacred verses became a gift for the Ummah as the prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (S.A.W.) said, “the QURAN is light and guidance”. All the Muslims have been advised to recite this verse before initiating any work. Hazrat Suleman (A.S.) when did so, each time he conquered what he wished; look the power of this sacred verse, the name of ALLAH “AL-REHMAN”. The entire life form demonstrates the continuous practical example of his mercy, care and concern. GOD created a couple, Adam and Eve to continue the process of mankind but while describing the level of his mercy and love he gave the example of mother but 70 times more than the love of a mother. Now see this universal truth of motherhood, it has remarkable similarity besides the difference of color beliefs and languages.