Ilm is the Islamic word for knowledge.
It is a duty of all Muslims to educate themselves so that they may gain knowledge.
The first word revealed to the Prophet(Sallallahu eleyhi wa sallam) was READ!
reading is the best way to gain knowledge.

We learn learn the Qura'an that in the beginning, when the first man Adam(pbuh) was created, God blew of His spirit into him
and gave his senses.
Then, the first thing that he was taught, was to know "the name of all the things".
The angels were then ordered by Allah(SwT)
to bow down before Adam.
This mean that if understood correctly, knowledge raises a human being to a higher position then other creatures.
Because of knowledge, man can give wisdom and that is one of the greatest gifts a person can have.
Wisdom gives you ability to know what is right and what is wrong.
It is like a light, which allows you to see in the darkness.
When people are lost in ignorance and gone astray, the person with knowledge become a beacon of light.
He shines out amongst the rest and shows them the way to safety.

Another word for ILM is science.
Today , there are many scientists spending a life time learning the way world works, looking through microscopes, making new things, new modes of travel, new ways to communicate and speak to each other: computers, TV.
But unfortunately, much this this knowledge is without guidance, it does not necessarily tell you what is good and what is bad.

Some scientists are are actually quite silly; for example, a number of scientists think that monkeys and chimpanzees have two arms and two legs and a small brain, that they are just maybe some other kind of mankind!
They make up all sort of stories and draw pictures to make you believe what they say.

They don't seem to know that all human being belongs to one special family; all of us are children of Adam (pbuh) and the angel would never bow down to a monkey- Allah (SWT) forbid!

That shows unless you have wisdom, you may not be able to judge what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false; this is the best knowledge, which was given to the Prophet(Sallallahu eleyhi wa sallam) and all Prophets chosen by Allah(SWT).