In every age, people have always wondered how this seamless universe originated, where it leads to, how the laws maintaining its order and balance work. For centuries, scientists and thinkers have made numerous researches on this issue and produced quite a few theories.

The prevailing thought in the 19th century was that the universe was a collection of matter infinite in size, that existed since eternity and that would continue to exist forever. Laying the groundwork for the materialist philosophy, this view denied the existence of a Creator while it maintained that the universe had neither a beginning nor an end.

With the verification of the Big Bang theory, which maintained that the universe was brought into being with a big explosion, the concept of ‘eternal matter’ that constituted the basis of the materialist philosophy is thrown into the trash-heap of history.

In this film,you will see how modern astronomy and physics imply a fact that materialists are unwilling to accept, that is, the existence of a Creator.

Duration: 25 Minute

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