I get up in the morning
at the break of dawn
Drag my body to the kitchen
Put the coffee on. Pour myself a cup
of strong Colombian brew
Then I run to my computer
Is there mail from you?

The telephone is ringin'
There's someone at the door
Maybe they'll go away
I can just ignore.
My breathing is racin'
I breakout in a sweat
Oh My Goodness
are these hives?I haven't read my email yet.
I've got this stupid dial-up
It comes on like a snail
Anticipation is building
THEN...there it is

In-between the ads
and other junk they send me
All the names of Internet Friends
I'm as happy as can be.
I read your news
I read your jokes
I laugh till my sides are achin'
Then I send them on to others
I'm so excited
Both my hands start shakin'.
Since I got this computer
I've forgotten what some words mean
What's that you say?
