They always do that, don't they? It's amazing how they make fool out of themselves time and time again. Now I don't know if they're this idiot but honestly their prop machine sucks. Of course, this topic is about the Mumbai attacks and the way Indian media quickly jumped to blame Pakistan while the event was pretty much alive. I do condole for the innocent people lost in this seige but how on Earth can you blame an entire country without even investigating?

I am not blaming the entire Indian nation for what's happened but I do have certain concerns. Aren't we being played by the media and the terrorists? I don't know, they just put hate in our hearts and we fail to see the truth every time.

So, back to the topic; what's wrong with India anyway? every time they have an election, their opening ceremony features yet another terrorist attack for which they blame on Pakistan. Let me ask a question to my Indian friends; are we the selling factor for BJP or Congress?