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Thread: gods love

  1. #1
    Abundance is everywhere! How many leaves on a tree! How many stars! How vast is everything, and all this vastness belongs to us. It is pouring itself Through us. But how much are we receiving consciously, deliberately, definitely, each and every day? We need to awake and recognize and accept the nature of the life in which we are immersed. Life was not made for sadness, sickness, and sorrow. When we encounter that which we do not like we should come to see in its place that which we do desire. What is more logical than to think definitely and specifically on good things rather than on their opposites? Every thought that is a negation should be changed to an affirmation. When we do so the Power that constantly flows through us will Respond with the same creative action through the new channel we have provided. You and I should look across the new horizon of the greater possibility that which resides within us and meet the living God and feel the embrace of His Presence and come at last to know the infallibility of his power. From out of the great Mind which is God the way of life is made perfect and straight and immediate. It is made happy and whole and prosperous. We should awake to the living Presence of the eternal God within each one of us and enter into a realization of a new peace and joy. As we come to surrender illness, and all fear and doubt, the great river of Life Flowing from the Mind of God shall renew our vigor, remake our strength enable our being heal our bodies and fortunes, and bring peace to our hearts. As our thoughts are cleared of all that is unlike Him who created us they become receptacles for the outpouring of all that is good wonderful and true.
    God's Love always embraces us, His Wisdom is always within us and His Joy is ours to share. Just as surely as tomorrow shall come and the sun shall rise again across the darkness of the horizon and spill its beauty and warmth to awaken the valleys into fertility, so shall each new day in our lives bring us into a greater joy of living because of a greater consciousness of the Almighty within our own souls.
    u make me happy

  2. #2

  3. #3
    thanks for liking sahel
    u make me happy

  4. #4

  5. #5
    thank u for liking jackcollins
    u make me happy

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