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Thread: 10 tips to healthy weight loss

  1. #1
    Increases in daily activity can come from small changes made throughout your day – they all add up. You can accumulate your 30 minutes (or more) of physical activity for health throughout the day by combining a few shorter sessions of activity of around 10 to 15 minutes each.

    To make a habit out of increasing activity in your day, you can:

    * Take the stairs instead of the lift.
    * Park further away from your destination and walk the rest of the way.
    * Walk or cycle instead of using the car for short trips.
    * Take your dog (or a neighbour’s dog) for a walk.
    * Walk rather than rest on escalators or travelators.
    * Get off the bus/train/tram one or two stops earlier and walk the rest of the way.
    * Work in the garden.
    * Play with children in an active way.
    * Catch up with friends by walking together rather than going for coffee.
    * Try a new sport or go back to one you have played before.
    * Do some simple exercises (eg jog on the spot) while waiting for the kettle to boil or for food to cook in the microwave.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    The Top 10 Weight Loss Tips:

    Make a commitment to a lifetime of fitness, weight loss and fat loss. This commitment trumps all other fitness commitments. Without it, you will always fall prey to the inevitable obstacles and pitfalls along the way. Get your motivation right!

    Be willing to change your eating habits! Sixty to 70% of your weight loss/fat loss success or failure will depend on good nutrition. Get to know your body and what types of food you are better off not eating. For example, grains/starchy carbohydrates cause some people to not make progress with fat loss.

    You must burn more calories than you consume ( caloric deficit is needed over time ) in order to lose weight and burn body fat. This is the law of thermodynamics. Even if you are a "workout warrior," the law of thermodynamics still apply. You cannot eat as much as you want (or maintain a caloric surplus) and still lose weight! On the opposite end, you can't starve yourself and expect to succeed long-term with weight loss and fat loss. Starvation will cause your body to go into survival mode and store fat!

    A weight loss pill, patch or cream will not make you lose fat and weight! You’ve seen the ads for diet patches or creams that claim to melt away the pounds. Don’t believe them. There’s nothing you can wear or apply to your skin that will cause you to lose weight. Try your best to get the nutrition you need from the food you eat! Save your money! Supplements have no long-term effect on fat loss and weight loss!

    You must change your body composition! You must increase muscle mass to become a “fat-burning machine.” A pound of muscle burns up to 50 extra daily calories! So, your metabolism will speed up when you build muscle. Concentrate on compound (multi-joint) strength exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench press, planks and rows because they work and build more muscle groups. Do less single-joint exercises like biceps curls and tricep extensions.

    You must do more than cardio exercise to burn body fat, lose weight and change your body composition to “lean and toned!” Your muscles will waste away on those cardio machines if that’s all you do! Your body will not be toned! Some of the best fat-burning, body-toning cardio exercises are sprinting on grass, bodyweight cardio exercises (like mountain climbers), stepmill and jump rope.

    Keep a food journal. This will help you keep track of your eating habits and help you make needed changes. Here is another fact: research has proven that you will have a better chance of succeeding with your meal plan if you keep a food journal! By logging your actual food choices, you are holding yourself accountable throughout the day. You will also be forced to plan your meals better. A food journal will also help you control emotional eating and binge eating!

    Find out your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR is the amount of daily calories your body needs to maintain itself. You will use this amount and your daily activity level to set your daily menu. If you use severe calorie restriction (i.e., don’t eat enough), your body will store fat because it will think you are starving. And, you don’t want to lose muscle, you want to lose fat!

    Find an accountability partner such as friend, spouse or personal trainer. This is also a critical step to help you succeed. Don’t try to do your exercise program alone!

    Get a fitness assessment performed by a certified personal trainer to identify your postural deficiencies, muscle imbalances, etc. You need to get started on your program the right way! The trainer can also tailor the program to your individual needs. Two people following the same program can get different results. A personal trainer will take your “body type” into account when designing a fitness program.

    Fat loss is more important than weight loss!

    If you lose major poundage without strength training, most of your weight loss will be muscle mass. And, this will “slow down” your metabolism. That is why you see some people who are "skinny-fat" (skinny with high body fat). The goal should be to have a “lean and toned” body!

  4. #4

    Thanks for very useful information
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  5. #5
    instead of dog,can i walk with my girl friend
    u make me happy

  6. #6
    All you need to do is go to a bookstore and you will literally find thousands of books in the diet section that all promise to help you lose weight. The problem is that weight loss is not that complex.

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  7. #7
    Loosing weight is not that tough but to maintain it is rather difficult. Normal diet should be started in SLOW transition after leaving dieting

  8. #8
    all said some of the obesity r due to hormones
    needs medical sometimes surgical treatment
    in some people babaric surgery for weight reduction helps
    u make me happy

  9. #9
    Top 10 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss
    Here are the top 10 healthy weight loss tips that make healthy weight loss & nutrition easy and fun. These 10 healthy nutritional eating tips apply to everyone interested in living healthy, long into the 21st century.

    1.When you first feel a pang of hunger, don't reach for the regular sugary carbo snack, instead, reach for an 8 oz. glass of clean purified water. This will suppress the feeling of hunger that's often mistaken when the body really wants water anyway. Be sure you are drinking lots of clean water throughout the day because the last sign of dehydration is a dry mouth.

    2.At every meal time, stop eating when you are about 80% complete. It takes the brain about 20 minutes to register food is on the way and this is a great way to control the serving size and still eat well.

    3.When indulging on "evil" foods like desert trays (we all do), don't try to eat them all! Instead take 1 or 2 samples and really enjoy each without guilt.

    4.Eat lots of fresh fruits between meals and the best time to eat fruit is either 20 minutes before a meal or midway between meals as it help regulate your blood sugar and diminish cravings.

    5.Eat fresh vegetables* with every lunch and evening meal. When you are selecting the main course always try to avoid mixing proteins (meats) with starches (breads and potatoes).

    6.Limit animal protein consumption to not more than 4-5 servings per week which means some days you should be consuming vegetarian dishes.

    7.Do substitute animal proteins with legumes, but start slowly. You can use lentils, dry beans and peas and you'd be amazed at just how delicious the recipes are.

    8.Do not drink liquids with your meals. If you are thirsty, try to have a glass of clean water 10 minutes or so before the meal. While you are eating, you want your body to be efficient at digesting the foods and absorbing the nutrients you are consuming. This also helps with natural body cleansing functions & efficiency.

    9.Don't wait till you're starving to eat as this will only encourage binging. Be sure to have a snack of veggies and a fruit with you between meals and drink water which will help avert feelings of starvation and cravings.

    10.Do overdose on vegetables! Have 7-10 cups or more a day and look for ways to enjoy them raw like having a good dip. When you want your veggies cooked, lightly stream them to persevere their essential nutrients. (This really is healthy weight loss at its best, no one ever gained weight eating too many veggies!)

    These top 10 tips for healthy weight loss will improve your weight loss program success but there are a few secrets of healthy weight loss, that can make it even better. Get healthy diet eating tips ...

    When you adopt these top 10 tips for healthy weight loss, you will succeed and this form an excellent weight maintenance program. If you've got more than a few pounds to lose you'll want to read about our Ideal Weight Loss Program, link below.

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  10. #10
    Weight management not only makes you look and feel better, it influences your future health. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day - this helps flush your body of impurities and fat. At every meal time stop eating when you are about 80% complete, You don't have to be hungry to lose weight. Every morning do exercise, or go for a walk, it will really help you, walking is really good for losing fat.

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