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Thread: bad breath

  1. #1
    Breath odor or bad smelling breath
    Breath odor, or halitosis, is common, if unpleasant, distinctive, or offensive.
    Some medical disorders will produce specific, characteristic odors to the breath.
    • A fruity odor to the breath occurs as the body attempts to get rid of excess acetone through the breathing. This is a characteristic sign of ketoacidosis (such as diabetic ketoacidosis), a potentially life-threatening condition.
    • A fecal odor to the breath (the breath smells like feces) can occur with prolonged vomiting, especially when there is a bowel obstruction. It can also occur temporarily if the person has a nasogastric tube in place (a tube placed through the nose or mouth to the stomach to drain the stomach contents).
    • The breath may have an ammonia-like odor (also described as urine-like or "fishy") in people with chronic kidney failure.
    Common Causes
    If previously normal breath turns into halitosis, causes could include:
    • Food or beverages consumed (such as cabbage, garlic, raw onions, or coffee)
    • Vitamin supplements (especially in large doses)
    • Poor dental hygiene
    • Dentures
    • Cavities
    • Tobacco smoking
    • Alcoholism
    • Throat infection
    • Sinusitis
    • Lung infection
    • Gum disease (gingivitis, gingivostomatitis)
    • Abscessed tooth
    • Impacted tooth
    • Foreign body in the nose (in children)
    o Often (but not always) there is a white, yellowish, or bloody discharge from one nostril
    • Drugs
    • Paraldehyde
    • Triamterene and inhaled anesthetics
    • Insulin - injection
    • Chronic renal failure (can cause breath to smell like ammonia)
    • Diabetes (fruity or "sweet chemical" smell with ketoacidosis)

    • Lung abscess
    • atrophic rhinitis
    • Periodontal disease
    • Pharyngitis

    Home Care
    Use proper dental hygiene (especially flossing), and remember that mouthwashes are not effective in treating the underlying problem.
    Fresh parsley or a strong mint are often effective ways to fight temporary bad breath. Avoid smoking. Otherwise, follow
    u make me happy

  2. #2
    hygeine of teeth are v.important to be taken care of ...its really hard to stay long in any community feeling good with bad breath..usually nowadays seen is cavity one..

  3. #3
    u r right friend rahen
    twice brushing with fluride tooth paste,flogging once a week
    every 6 month dental consultation
    avoiding sticky sweets
    gorgling after every eating
    u make me happy

  4. #4
    Yeps, thanks for this basic but very important reminder

  5. #5
    passinate kissing improves oral hygiene
    u make me happy

  6. #6
    hmmmmm thnx

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