Home Remedies for Pimple Scars

Make a paste of sandalwood powder and rosewater to be left overnight on the scars. Even a paste of sandalwood and black gram paste works wonders in removing acne scars. If you suffer from dark acne scars, you can use lemon juice to remove the scars.
Before applying lemon juice, you just have to clean the scars with warm water. Then dab a teaspoon of lemon juice on cotton ball to be applied on the scars. Leave this for ten to fifteen minutes and see the results.
However with this treatment, it is important that you wear some sunscreen before going into the sun as lemon juice can make your skin photosensitive.
A mixture of cucumber and lemon juice, or honey with lemon juice is also effective in removing acne scars. However this option is not advised to those having oily skin.
Another effective homemade remedy to remove acne scars is a paste of gram flour, turmeric, lemon juice and curds. Leave this mixture on for about ten to twenty minutes and you will see the difference.
A mixture of a tablespoon of yogurt, sour cream and grinded oatmeal with a few drops of lemon juice is also effective in treating scars if left on your face for ten minutes and then rinsed.
Paste of Turmeric and lemon works GREAT on scars !!!