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Thread: How to cure Gum disease

  1. #1
    How to cure Gum disease

    Louisa Wilkins speaks to three practitioners for advice on how to stop gum disease in its tracks.
    More than 50 per cent of adults suffer from some form of gum disease. However, because it is usually painless, they may be unaware.
    There are two main types: gingivitis and periodontal disease. Both are caused by the build up of plaque bacteria on the teeth.

    Gingivitis refers to inflammation of the gums. If your gums bleed when brushing your teeth, this could be an indication that youhave gingivitis.
    If gingivitis is left untreated, it could develop into periodontal disease, meaning the break down of gum tissues; the separation of gums from the teeth causing pockets where bacteria can fester; and the deterioration of bone in the jaw, which holds the teeth in place. Ultimately, this all leads to tooth loss. More people lose teeth through periodontal disease than through tooth decay.
    Smokers have a higher risk of developing all types of gum disease, as smokers tend to have more bacteria in their mouths and less oxygen in the bloodstream, which prevents the gums from healing.

    Ayurvedic practitioner
    Dr Oseela Abdul Kader, ayurvedic practitioner at Breath and Health , says:
    "According to ayurveda, oral hygiene methods have a vital role to play in the management of general gum disease. Certain ayurvedic remedies, such as Triphala, Yashtimadu and Nirgundi, have proven antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, which can help combat gum disease and improve oral hygiene.
    "Treatments for gum diseases include:

    • "Application of triphala choornam mixed with honey onto the infected gums to give quick relief from purulent gum discharge.
    • "Just 15ml of drakshadi decotion with 60ml of luke warm water twice a day before a meal will arrest gum bleeding.
    • "Arimedadi thailam can be used as a mouthwash for swollen gums and toothache.
    • "Gargling with the phanta of triphala once daily will protect gums from all infections.
    • "Paste preparation of Udumbaram applied to the gums and teeth is an effective remedy for pyorrhea and loose teeth.
    • "Chewing Nirgundi cleans the gums.
    • "Gargling with a solution of neem leaf extract works well for gingivitis."

  2. #2
    A Dr Hibah Shata, dentist at Dr Hibah Shata Specialized Dental Clinic , says:
    "Periodontal disease is the most common reason for tooth loss. The main cause is bacteria in the form of sticky, colourless plaque that forms on the teeth. Early signs of gum disease can be detected during regular dental checkups. Prevention of gum disease can be achieved by regular brushing, flossing and oral care.

    "The warning signs of gum disease include: bleeding gums; red, swollen or tender gums; gums that have pulled away from the teeth; persistent bad breath; pus between the teeth and gums; loose or separating teeth; a change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite; or a change in the fit of partial dentures.

    "Advanced gum disease can be treated surgically and non-surgically. The goal of non-surgical treatments is to remove bacteria and reduce inflammation in order so that the gum re-attaches itself to the tooth, or shrinks to eliminate the pocket. Non-surgical treatments include the removal of plaque, root planning, antibiotic therapy and Gum Laser Therapy.

    "Surgical treatments include pocket reduction and bone regeneration."

    Kathleen Farren, nutritionist at Eternal Med , says:
    "Sugar inhibits the ability of white blood cells, which fight bacteria. So, avoiding sugary food and drinks can help prevent the disease. Rinsing your mouth out after consuming refined carbohydrates or juices can also reduce the risk.
    "Choose a diet that is rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean protein. I would also recommend taking a daily multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, which can be topped up with:

    • "Additional minerals to rebuild bone around the gums, especially calcium and magnesium.
    • "A combination of Vitamin C with bioflavonoids and CoQ10 to protect against cell damage and reduce the depth of pockets formed around the teeth.
    • "Vitamin B complex - needed for good digestion and healthy mouth tissues.
    • "Acidophilis (friendly bacteria) required to build up immunity.
    • "Folic acid and liquid Vitamin C.
    • "Chamomile and Echinacea teas to reduce inflammation and enhance immune function.
    • "Goldenseal extract to heal inflamed gums."

    This is an awesome article taken from aquarius...a must read for a beautiful smile not only for you...but for your family.

  3. #3
    nice information
    thank u for sharing rahen
    u make me happy

  4. #4
    I really liked your article. Here is some more information about gum diseas. If you need more information or want to get some products to prevent gum disease you can go to

    What is periodontal disease?
    Periodontal disease is also known as gum disease or periodontitis. There are various stages of gum disease, and the two most common forms are gingivitis and adult periodontitis. Gingivitis is an inflammation or infection of the gums (gingiva) that is an early stage of periodontal disease. When left untreated, gingivitis may progress to periodontal disease, which can progress to the loss of teeth. Only a professional –a dentist or periodontist –can diagnose gum disease, which often is painless. Research shows that periodontal disease may also be linked to heart, lung, kidney and respiratory disease, and to premature birth.

    How does it progress?
    A combination of bacteria and acids in the mouth form a sticky deposit called dental plaque that clings to the teeth. Plaque that is not removed from the teeth hardens into calculus and tartar, which aggravate the gums. Pockets (filled with plaque) form between the teeth and gums –causing the irritated gums to detach or pull away from the teeth. At this point, the infection has advanced below the gum line and it can then destroy the soft tissue, bone and ligaments that support the teeth. The teeth may become abscessed and loose, and even fall out. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.

    What are the symptoms?
    The symptoms of gingivitis are inflamed, swollen gums that bleed easily when they are brushed or flossed. Many times bad breath is present and there are times when there is little or no pain in the early stages. The late stage symptoms of periodontitis are loose teeth, spaces in between the teeth, pain upon chewing, pus around the teeth or gums, or abscessed teeth. Receding gums may be a symptom and the tooth may appear to look longer because the gums are
    withdrawing. Also the teeth may be sensitive to cold, hot and sugars.

    Who is at risk for gum disease?
    Periodontal disease is not hereditary, but it may play a role in the progression of the disease. Individuals with diabetes and those on certain medications may be at risk for periodontitis. Use of tobacco in any form can cause periodontal disease to advance more rapidly.

    How do you prevent it?
    Keeping the teeth clean by brushing and flossing on a regular basis will help prevent gum disease. Using the Hydro Floss® oral irrigator on a daily basis will help prevent gum disease.

  5. #5
    thanks for the advice.really nice one.

  6. #6
    Thank you syed...
    keep coming damsel.

  7. #7
    use clove oil and daily mouth wash!

  8. #8
    i have few words of wisdom!

    It is quite easy to prevent gingivitis if you follow a few simple rules.

    Brush and floss your teeth regularly.

    Make it a habit to visit a dentist at least twice in a year for cleaning your teeth.

    Eat a healthy food with a diet rich in fibers.

    Avoid sweets and sugars that stick.

    Do not keep a candy in your mouth for too long.

    Make it a habit to clean your mouth after every meal or sweet that you have taken.

  9. #9
    yeah hot chick .. makes sense.. al this follwed by proper regime.

  10. #10
    no doubt words of wisdom...hotchick...keep coming...

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