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Thread: middle age love

  1. #1
    rafia was an an excecutive in an isurence firm.middle aged.abdulah in late 20 had to meet her for some insurence claim.chemistry started working on rafia though mother of 2 children, a boy and girl.sensing her weakness abdullah started praising her features,hair style dress and calls and eating out and going out become routine.she gave him coslly prescents she even managed to invite him for tea to her house.hell broke out when her daughter spotted them together.her son also scolded her.her husband told her if u r in true love go and stay with him for 2 days and then decide.rafia after some hesitation left.but
    abdullah gave her a hostile reception,he was just intrested in her money and wanted to marry young rich girl.taken aback rafia returned home.her husband magnamious and accepted her,it is my fault dear,i shuld have spent more time with you,taken u out for eating ,entertainment .i made your life routine and dull.she leaned on her shoulder and cried,he patted her and said it is alright.rafia's heart was filled with love for her husband'
    Noteriginal story by a muslim author in urudu
    abridged by me from translation:cry:
    u make me happy

  2. #2
    oh really! Sounds too good to be true.

  3. #3
    tulip friend,it is a story
    u make me happy

  4. #4
    ahan! then i feel like slapping the both of them. The stupid woman and her husband too.

  5. #5
    life is not perfect
    no one is perfect
    my wife still loves me,yesterday she bought a nice t shirt for me
    i do love her despite her age
    u make me happy

  6. #6

  7. #7
    the point is it is not a smooth journey
    we had made mistakes
    but forgot and forgiven each other
    so the remaining yeras are meaningful
    u make me happy

  8. #8
    a common show these days...
    children are felt leftover...just few minutes ago i saw on Dr.phill show that due to fb farmville used by one parent , kids are felt that their parents dont care abt them...and the count can be going on with different reasons...
    middle age love and infatuation bring relationships that dont work longer...

    btw dsjeya...what is the point of mentioning those two lines in the end of ur thread?

  9. #9
    friend rahen
    the characters involed carry muslim names
    i wanted to play safe
    middle love is dangerous and useless
    u make me happy

  10. #10
    You should have said that before dsjeya.
    And I agree to what you said in the post before this one.

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