BREATH OF FIRE (instead do Long Deep Breathing)
Here are some of the poses that can relieve menstrual discomfort and cramps:


How to do it:

Sit on the right heel and stretch the left leg back. Stretch the back up and back. While arching the back, maintain the stretch so the lower back isn’t compressed.
Bend the arms at the elbows and place the hands at shoulder level, facing up to the sky. Repeat it changing legs.

Breath: Breathe long and deep.

Time: 5 minutes per side

Benefits: Stretches and brings circulation to the reproductive organs. This releases the cramps, eases the lower back, cleanses the liver, and balances the hormones. This is a great asana to prepare the body for menopause as well.


How to do it:

Lie down on the back. Bend both knees and place the feet flat on the floor. Grab the ankles with the hands or, if this is too far for you, just place the arms by the side with the palms facing down. Inhale through the nose and lift up the hips as high as you can. Hold the position. When you finish, come down slowly.

Breath: Breathe long and deep.

Time: 3 minutes.

Benefits: It strengthens the lower back and massages the reproductive organs. If you want to release tension in the lower back, you can choose to inhale and bring the hips up, and exhale while releasing them down. Repeat 26 times.


How to do it:

Lie down on the abdomen. The legs are stretched back with the feet together. Place the chin on the floor and the hands flat on the floor underneath the shoulders. Inhale and bring the torso up and hold.

Breath: Breathe long and deep, or Breath of Fire (Do not do breath of fire during the first 2 days of your menstrual cycle).

Time: 1 minute.

Benefits: Stretches the spine and massages the reproductive organs and the kidneys. It relieves headaches due to poor nutrition. If done after the Half Wheel pose, it stretches the whole spine, increasing circulation and healing.


How to do it:

Lie down on the abdomen. Bend the legs and grab the ankles with the hands. Inhale and pretend you are going to straighten the legs. Bring the torso up as high as you can while holding the ankles with the hands. You have two choices: (1)hold the position, or (2)roll back and forth 108 times.

Breathe: Breath long and deep.

Time: Hold for 2 to 3 minutes.

Benefits: It stretches the reproductive organs, abdominal area, and the back. It stimulates the flow of spinal fluid and is said to adjust your mood on the spot.


How to do it:

Lie down on the abdomen. Make a fist with the hands and place them underneath the groin. The chin is on the floor. Inhale and bring both legs up together. Try to keep the knees straight and the upper body relaxed. Hold the position.

Breathe: Breath long and deep.

Time: From 1 to 3 minutes.

Benefits: It strengthens the lower back. This can be a very intense position. There are different levels depending on how high you can bring the legs up. If you are a beginner, it is common to concentrate on maintaining a relaxed upper body and the legs won’t be that high. That is fine. This position will develop with time and practice.


How to do it:

Lie down on the back. Place the arms at your sides with the palms facing down or, if you experience too much pain in the lower back, place the hands facing down under the buttocks. Raise both legs up to a 45 degree angle with the heels together and hold.

Breathe: Breathe long and deep.

Time: 3 minutes.

Benefits: Strengthens the back and the abdominal muscles. It works in the meridian nerves that stimulate the liver, digestion, and elimination.

“The Mind and Body Program” of Harvard Medical School studied a group of infertile woman involved in a stress reduction program. The study was performed over a period of ten weeks, after which the following results were found:

54% experienced less stress, fatigue, and anxiety.
34% became pregnant within 6 months of completing the program.

The rate of conception in short-term infertile women (about 2.5 years) was significantly greater than in long-term infertile women (about 3.5 years).

Meditation reduces stress and reestablishes calmness and harmony. It also connects you with your inner self, allowing you to clear your mind and listen to yourself.

To prepare for meditation you can practice Pranayama, or breathe control. For most beginners, practicing pranayama seems boring and long, but the results are so immediate that you soon will discover the tremendous benefits of its practice.

There are many different techniques of Pranayama. Alternative nostril breathing pranayama balances both hemispheres of the brain and breaks stressful breathing patterns. It also has many other benefits for the nervous and glandular systems because it reestablishes balance. Yogi Bhajan taught us that this pranayama can be one that you choose to practice throughout your life. It is simple but very effective.