(The basic idea for taking an example of an art work is due to the way in which human modify, decorate and embellish an ordinary stones, wood pieces into fine model of art. This is similar to nature own conduct, through which she produces a wise man from a very crude and rough body of soil. The wise man of One LORD, MARD E MOMIN (of Iqbal). But both of these phenomena run in opposite direction. As we (artificial means) produce beauty at end, and nature starts and travels beyond beauty)

Dr Allama Mohammad Iqbal.

Sculpture is a making and converting of rough material into fine piece of art. There are two types of sculpture on earth:

1.Artificial sculpture
2.Natural sculpture

In artificial sculpture, we take block of stone with rough, irregular surface and cut out its ending to make it required piece which would be appropriate for a final shape. After passing from phase of hard cutouts including elimination of non-essential parts. It enters a phase of minor furnishing and surfacing. This is more delicate work than prior for a fine model.

When Almighty gives a great task to His mankind. He ultimately divides an individual’s life into certain phases. This would lead to the formation of a living art. Then the process of Natural sculpture comes into an action.

Natural sculpture is of life, which includes an invisible wear and tear of conscious and sub conscious level. This is from self to general disaster. Lets start from self-disaster.

A first process starts from within us (Mini war). This is a stage of entirely our conscious and sub conscious crisis. It encircles our self only. One who has tolerated and endured each sensitive self-disaster phase with harmony and patience. He can get ability to enter in general disaster (Grand war).

This phase is like last phase of artificial sculpture, which include minor cuts for material surfacing.

Unfortunately, 85% of people trap in a self-disaster. Their lives, work, joys, sorrows are absolutely for their own self. They have inability to see outside a circle of self-disaster. General disaster does not open its door for them.

When a man successfully endured critical hard times of his soul, experienced many upheavals of psychological and spiritual mode of life.

Then very unconsciously he generates a mass of conceptual divine knowledge within himself. He breaks a circle around him, broadens his view and emotions. Then, general disaster phase opens its door for him towards area of humanity.

Now his love and sympathy for his own failures turns into tears for historical and social pain of human beings He allows his sentiments, self determinations to consume for people, this last phase is somehow similar to the initial step of artificial sculpture that is major cuts and elimination of unnecessary parts.

And, it is this phase in which history has produced Iqbal ,Bu Ali Sina ,Al-Ghazali and Einstein. Iqbal, in particular, throughout his life emphasized his reader to pass out from path of personal needs, pains and desires so that you can feel universal grief of mankind. One who can’t recognize him self cannot change world.