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Thread: ash to ashes

  1. #1
    Ashes to Ashes , Dust to Dust
    A world full of sin
    And betrayal of lust

    Love will slowly die
    Broken hearts will wilter
    And bitter hearts will cry

    The world’s full of secrets that tear us apart
    Their keepers watch us falter
    Then tear us apart

    The betrayers may regret, but too much has been said
    Nothing will take back what they did
    When someone wants them dead

    The world leaves us confused with no one to blame
    Our demons tear at our throats
    And our heads bow in shame

    Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
    We will all hurt each other
    So who is left to trust?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    nice one shabi...
    LiFe'S pReCiOuS mOmEnTs DoN't HaVe VaLuE uNlEsS, tHeY aRe ShaReD........

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Nice poem

    Good work shabi..keep it up
    hey [username:48beee4c6e], i know whats on your mind

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