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Thread: In Love, everything is wonderful !

  1. #1
    Love is the way you make someone feel,
    The way someone makes you feel.

    Love is the sharing and the caring,
    The want and the need.

    Love is not just a word,
    Love is a power with unknown strengths.

    It has the power to make someone smile,
    To make someone laugh…
    To make someone love you in return.

    Love is what your heart feels,
    What your heart says,
    Ignore your heart and it will fade away,
    Listen to your heart… follow your heart.

    Let it sing, Let it run free,
    And it can bring you anything.

    Love is a bond,
    A way to keep people together.

    In Love, everything is wonderful.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    thanx for replying

  4. #4

  5. #5

  6. #6
    bilkul true

    Thanks 4 sharing

  7. #7

  8. #8
    oKi DoKi .. lol NiCe ShArIn
    - mOnA -

    aEtBaAr PeR yAkeEn Na RaHa,
    DiL mEiN dHaRkAn Na RaHi,
    MoHaBaT sE pYaR nA rAhA,
    aNkHoN mAiN aAnSoO nA rAhE,
    aUr RoNe K lIyE kANdHa Na RaHa...

  9. #9
    thanks for replying

  10. #10
    ith wos so nis Bluehacks Tagore....ha ha sharin
    "I'm a friend for a friend who really wants to be a goood friend of mine"

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