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Thread: Islamic Scientific Tradition

  1. #1
    p53, a genetic mode or mystery….

    “Love is an evolutionary principle of all existence.
    Adam was given by knowledge of all names
    and yet he fell from grace.” Rumi.

    When year penetrated circle of month, acquired its duration and space. It became month; month became week, week into hours and hours, seconds. Swiftness of speed has snatched from us something very unknown yet very precious, quite invisible and extremely intrinsic.

    Science contains marvelous and innumerable sides to astonish its seeker. Its discoveries, inventions, technologies and flow of non-stop information has enriched human mind up to its very core. It has enclosed prolong, time wasting, tiresome phenomena of life into a time interval required to press a button. Human endeavor to explore its myth and scientific logics to unravel mysteries can never lead towards way to make us unthankful for them. We have recognized an Ultimate Reality through it.

    According to Einstein:
    ‘The universe is ruled by a Mind and whether it be a mind of mathematician or an artist or of a poet or all of them. It is the one reality which gives meaning to existence, enriches our daily task, encouraged our hope and energizes us with faith wherever knowledge fails.’

    Science has eradicated many merciless abnormalities and diseases from face of medical history. It has bestowed us with an insight of an esoteric and exoteric fine change (evolution) processes, derived, and ratified the concept of One Whole Being:

    ‘The universe is more like a thought thanamachine’
    Sir James Janice.

    Nature requires thought and consideration to dig out the treasures of knowledge and power from its hidden corners. All these approach towards nature is aimed to solve the defects of biological, physical, chemical and technological mode of life.

    Earth has seen souls of many ages. The souls, who have consumed their struggle, energies, desires into flame of search after a clandestine world of machine. A machine of technical ground has produced fruits of ones deprivation, search and strength of mind. Ibn-u-haitham, Al-farabi, Aristotle, Darwin, Faraday, Newton and many more.

    But one question remained unanswered. There is a parallel and very opposite unfathomable encounter with shortage of time despite of using various appliances to prevent time wastage.

    ‘Logic and intellect are limited. It is only inspiration, revelation, an act of grace from God which illuminates the mind of man who begins to see the world in entirely different perspective.’ Rumi.

    These thoughts of past glory are not our exaltation but a factual realization of a western intellect.

    ‘He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead and his eyes are closed.’ Einstein.

    Study of science is a branch of nature. Nature in its own self is a teacher, leader and a constructor of scientific behaviors, (processes of actions and reactions). When one stops learning and disclosing natural mysteries and merely seeks way to imitate it completely turns out to be a senseless study. All Muslim scientists were great lover of nature. Today we possess more knowledge than their discoveries in external world but in esoteric sense, quite oblivion from nature of scientific life. Science possesses something more to give us than its mere extrinsic mechanical course.

    Allah has emphasized on a believer to ponder on nature’s conduct, in 756 verses in the holy Quran to think, consider, distinguish, justify.

    Allah has bestowed humans with numerous powers to fathom metaphysical knowledge of materialistic and non-materialistic aspects of universe.

    ‘Man is still a finite being with an intelligence made to understand the Infinite and the Absolute and not the indefinite and relative, whose total grasp is forever beyond the ken of any human science.’ (Living Sufism by S. N. Hussain)

    In Quran, Allah has reckoned this world as a dream on many places. It has been proved by Theory of matter. Its substances are:
    ‘The sense objects (colors, sounds etc.) are states of a perceiver’s mind and as such excluded from nature regarded something as objective. For this reason, they cannot be in any proper sense qualities of physical things’

    Professor Whitehead has realized the reduction of one half of nature to a dream and another half to a conjecture as a result of material theory.

    Mr. Russell said:
    ‘Matter, for common sense, is something that persists in time and moves in space. But for modern relativity physics this view is no longer tenable.’

    This is a product of true thinking on nature and lack of mimicry. Lest, it would irritate you anymore I tell you the reason I have named this article Gene p53. It also known as Tumor suppressor gene, as its name implies it inhibits growth of a tumor in a body. Its mechanism includes: Cell cycle consists upon certain phases of growth i.e.:
    1-G1 phase (pre synthetic)
    2-S phase (synthetic)
    3-G2 phase (pre mitotic)
    4-M phase (mitotic)

    When cell grows abnormally gene p53, residing in a nucleus, activated and arrest cell growth at G1 phase (in this, cell requires recruitment of materials necessary for S phase) if cell fails to obey commands, gene p53 turned on signals to apoptosis (programmed suicidal mode of cell death) as a result of which cell dies.

    In my view, it is a type of checkpoint. Our conscience and thought must act like gene p53, which from time to time realize us the true purpose of life. Whenever one fails to obey the natural command and introduce false and foul methods into play, then this checkpoint must warn. One, who is still unable to follow or recognize life’s aims and targets, must be castled away from the living ground of earth. One who cannot fulfill the meaning of life is not only useless and harmful for his own self but to humanity (as a tumor for a body) apparently gene p53 prevents body from pathological effects of tumor but in its philosophical essence contain great message for trampled humanity of present world.

  2. #2
    needs to be read again and again to get points to remember.


  3. #3
    wOrK SmaRt NoT HaRd......

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