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Thread: How to stay together??

  1. #1
    How to Stay Together

    1)Make and keep commitments to eachother
    When things get tough as they will, for no-one lives in a bed roses- Your belief is ur commitment to eachother and
    to the relationship will be what gets you through.

    This doesn't just mean talk, talk, talk. It means listen to him too. Really listen, ask questions. You never know he might surprise you.

    3)Learn To Forgive
    No one is perfect. Your spounce is going to let you down
    occasionally. Forgive him and learn to ask for forgiveness when you make mistakes.

    4)Actively keep your love alive.
    Give rather than take in the relationship. Keep the love alive by doing things you know he will appreciate - but make sure it is reciprocal. Act like you love each other and the love will remain even through the hard times.

    5)Give what u want to get.
    If you are happy, it produces happiness in others. If u r angry with them, they shout back. Give the emotion to your spouse you want back.

    6)Be Romantic
    Don't let the romance gets stale- go on dates, write eachother notes, send SMS, do special things together, vary your routines.

    7)Dont talk about divorces

    If you bring up the topic of divorce everytime have a row, the chances are u will end up getting one. Instead, reassure your spouse of your commitment to work through the row and keep the word divorce firmly under wraps.

    8)Live With Your Budget
    One of the biggest cause of marital problems is money. Don't overstretch yourselves, and, as a general rule, don't separate your bank accounts - if you want to work together as a team, you may as well act like one

  2. #2
    by compromise

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