Remember the time when we'd look to the sky and never looked at each other to question why?
Christian's, Muslim's, Wiccan's, Jew's, Buddhist's, Atheist's, Agnostic's too,
we're one of the same so why do we go against each other and act so cruel?
This religion wages war against that one, that religion wages war against this one,
who comes out the winner in the end?
Millions die for no credible reason at the sound of a gun,
and instead of practicing peace, they're preaching verbal hate and violence.
Brainwashing impressionable individuals with images of martyrdom and dying,
as they kill innocent people leaving their families asking why and crying.
There once was a time when we'd look to the sky and never ask each other why
we were willing to die to cause harm to the innocent,
and why we don't strive to understand each other through education, it makes no sense.
Love is almost non-existent, the world has created a form of resistance,
we need to come together and find a way to fortify our existence.