Change has become the order of the day to keep pace with our fast, stressful and competitive lifestyle. So, as an important component of our life, even education in the 21st century is acquiring a new form - from traditional learning to technology driven elearning. With the advent of Internet in every home, learning has become more web-oriented. New-age digital formats of study modules are very much attention grabbing and learner centric. Further, elearning is becoming popular option for home study support as it amalgamates the fields of online learning, web-based training, technology-delivered instruction and distance learning.

With changing times, the convergence of Internet and learning has facilitated an individualized, comprehensive, dynamic learning content in real time. Elearning is designed keeping in focus the individual requirement and convenience. It is fast becoming the preferred choice for self-learning by a majority of youngsters as it provides, economical, flexible and anywhere, anytime study support. The unique and accessible features of elearning make it a preferred option for Gen Z. Furthermore; it provides the edge required to score extra marks in exams and climb the ladder of success.