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Thread: As The Fallen Rise Again

  1. #1
    Silence in the Dark
    Ripped by mighty yell apart
    Strange smell increases in the air
    Hate radiates from nonetity

    Now all is coming true
    What was written million years before
    The Gods were born in the Abyss
    Their time is coming now again

    Once Rulers of all Things
    Betrayed by those, who came from Their own blood
    Then Thrown into the Graves
    Revenge was growing... like Fire
    Weak is not worth to be
    The last hours glow in dusk
    No time to pray...
    As the Fallen rise again

    The time is coming now again...
    No time to pray - as the Fallen rise again
    Dream, I do.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    hmmm nice post...
    LiFe'S pReCiOuS mOmEnTs DoN't HaVe VaLuE uNlEsS, tHeY aRe ShaReD........

  4. #4

  5. #5
    nice sharing

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