I live in a world of darkness
Because I do not see, but feel
I feel everything, and see nothing
How is this possible, you ask?
How is life possible, I answer.
What if one day, your heart forgets to beat
Or your mind fails to awaken from sleep
your eyes tend to decieve
Like, you only see what you want, not what you need
Too often are we caught in traps, and I blame my eyes
I'm grateful I have perfect vision, but, I'm not grateful for seeing what I have
Yes, it is possible for life to drive you to behave in a certain way
Try to understand, some have weak hearts, weak minds, weak bodies, some can't even speak
If one cannot contain enough stability to control their actions, how must we act as a shield to life's harsh realities to protect us...we can't.
Its like, a boat, slowly sinking, like a flower, slowly dying
Once your in, you can't get out, and no helping hand is visible.
So maybe I prefer darkness, because I see nothing already, and would rather see nothing more, but feel it all.
But isn't feeling worse than seeing, you ask?
Isn't the mind stronger than the heart, I answer.
The foundation of your ideas, where thought is generated
The source of forbidden imaginations which lead to desirable dreams...
What is the heart compared to this?
The carrier of emotion?
And what has emotion ever done for us?
Its either never understood or never appreciated.
How can you feel what you don't see, you ask?
How did I fall in love with your beautiful soul, I answer